Year 6
Welcome to Outstanding Oak Class
Miss Walters
Weekly Notices:
- PE in Spring Two is on a Monday- please wear PE kit to school on this day - no PE 24/02/2025
- Spelling tests are every Monday
- Please read everyday and practise your multiplication facts on TTRS
- Year 6 Spring 1 Overview:
Take a look at our learning journey this year...
Autumn One
Welcome to Year 6! WOOHOO!
I can't believe I'm back a year later with this amazing class again! (Plus some wonderful new faces!!!) We've had a great first full week back at LCS and are really demonstrating to the rest of the school what it means to be in Year 6. We've already earned sooooo many 'hundred squares' towards our end-of-term treat and that goes to show how incredible the whole class have been on their return to school.
We've really enjoyed starting all our new topics, looking at the place value of numbers to 10,000,000 in maths, reading the Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken in TfR and writing some great descriptions in TfW. The class have also enjoyed experimenting with tone in art lessons and developing their 3D modelling skills in computing.
Looking forward to next week where lots of us are heading to Caldecotte for our residential trip. I'm very excited!
Enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday!
Miss Walters x
Wow! I almost don't have any more words than simply, wow!
We have had the most unforgettable time at Caldecotte. From sipping hot chocolate and sleeping in the yurts to hiding conkers to keep the spiders away, it was non-stop fun! The leap of faith and abseiling pushed us to be brave, and though canoeing and kayaking left us soaked, we loved every second!!! Our barbeque was delicious and we enjoyed snacking on popcorn whilst we watched a film in the evening!
I am so incredibly proud of how resilient and courageous everyone was. What an amazing experience and one I will certainly never forget.
You can check out a video of the action on our Facebook page! But for now, have a lovely weekend and see you all on Tuesday (inset day on Monday)!
Miss Walters x
It's been a really great week this week and the children have impressed me greatly with being able to slip straight back in to 'normal school life' after such an exciting time at Caldecotte last week!
We completed our final mock SATs papers which the children approached with such a great attitude. We've been looking at adding and subtracting in maths and have started writing some poetry relating to portal stories in talk for writing!
On Thursday, we had a great time celebrating European Day of Languages and enjoyed tasting some food from different countries - although the tzatziki was a bit 50/50! The class made some great presentations in groups focusing on different European nations and I was really impressed with their enthusiasm!
Have a great weekend and see you Monday!
Miss Walters x
This week we delved deeper into our extracts from The Wolves of Willoughby Chase and took part in some great role play of the scenes to really get into the role of the characters. We had some very evil Miss Slighcarps and some cheeky and insolent Bonnies!
In maths we've been focusing on common factors and common multiples and then learned some rules of divisibility. We found out that you can tell if a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits are divisible by 3. A number is divisible by 4 if the final two digits are divisible by 4!
We did some beautiful mark making in art, investigating how we can make different patterns by varying the direction, movement and strength of our pencil (if we press harder, we get darker tones; if we press more lightly, we get lighter tones). We also learned about the Blitz in history and created some great name badges on TinkerCad in computing.
What a great week and we can't wait to see you on Monday afternoon for our maths Be Our Best event!
Miss Walters x
What a fantastic start to the week, seeing so many of you at our maths Be Our Best event. It was a great turnout and I hope it was useful in giving you some insight into what you can do at home to support your child with their maths learning. Remember the login for Active Learn Primary is the first four letters of your child's first name, followed by the first four letters of their surname. The password and school code for all is langland and laco, respectively.
This week's Talk for Writing lessons have centred around identifying and using different tools to create amazing setting descriptions. We have looked at changing the atmosphere of our settings, using short, sharp descriptions and embedding some figurative language into our sentences. We produced some fantastic short burst writing!
In history we learned about why children were evacuated during the war, and in Spanish we learned how to say what we study at what time of day. Our pronunciation and vocabulary is really coming along!
Next week we are celebrating Harvest by singing some songs in assembly and bringing in food donations to go to the food bank. Anything you can donate will go a long way in helping others and we are very grateful!
Have a great weekend, see you on Monday!
Miss Walters x
This week we celebrated Harvest with lots of donations ready to go to MK Food Bank, a fantastic assembly and lots of great singing!
We are making great progress in our swimming lessons and many of us are very much on our way to achieving our 25 metre swim!
In maths we have shown great resilience as we learned the method for short multiplication of 4 digit by 2 digit numbers, and began to look at short division. Next week we will start to focus on long division which, though it looks a bit scary now, I know we will all do amazingly with!
It was lovely to meet everybody on Wednesday this week at our Termly Learning Conversations. I can't believe last time we met was in Year 4 and now the children are in their final year of primary school! I'm so proud of all the children and will send home any extra support that was discussed, next week.
See you on Monday for our FINAL week of the first term of Year 6!!!
Miss Walters x
Wow, I can't believe that's it and we have already finished our very first half term of year 6! Only 5 more to go until secondary school! How exciting is that!!!
We've had a really great week consolidating all our learning and topics from the term. We absolutely smashed long division in maths and are now experts! The children have brought home a pack of extra questions for multiplication and division if they would like to have a bit more practise.
In Talk for Writing we produced our final portal stories with some amazing setting descriptions and then published them in our best handwriting! There were so many great reads! We also completed our 'final piece' in art where we sketched an everyday, ordinary object and used our skills in tone and shading to make it look 3D.
We also enjoyed our final swimming lesson of the term and really enjoyed it. We can't wait to go swimming again in our very last term of Year 6 before the summer!
But for now, it's time for a well-deserved rest. I hope you all have a great week off and enjoy Halloween if you are celebrating it!
See you all back at school again on Tuesday 5th November.
Miss Walters x
Autumn Two
It may have been a four-day week but WOW, we have packed in some fantastic learning this week! It's been an excellent start to the new half term and we are so excited about all of our new topics...
- In maths we are finishing off our work on the four operations and will be starting on fractions very soon
- In TfR we have started reading our new book: Holes by Louis Sachar and we are all very intrigued!
- In TfW we have kicked off the term with some brilliant poetry writing, and will then move on next week to look at explanation texts
- In science we are focusing on evolution and inheritance; this week we looked at which traits and characteristics are inherited and which are environmental
- In RE we are continuing our learning on Islam
- In geography we are learning all about the continent of Africa; this week we tackled some common perceptions and stereotypes about Africa
- In PSHE we are celebrating difference!
- In PE we are learning basketball skills with Mr M (every Thursday!)
- In computing we will be looking at how computer systems and networks work and how they communicate with each other
- In Spanish we are going to use all of our history learning on WW2 from last term to read some longer texts in Spanish all about the war
- In DT we are excited to begin our cooking lessons where we will eventually be making our very own burgers!
- In music we will be composing Jazz music
How EXCITING! I can't believe how much we are going to be doing over the next 7 weeks, AND of course some festive fun squeezed in too. It's going to be a brilliant term.
Don't forget that we are representing our school at the Remembrance Parade in Coffee Hall on Monday morning - so wrap up warm!
Miss Walters x
The children represented our school wonderfully this week at the Coffee Hall Remembrance Parade and I'm so proud of them all! We paid our respects to those who have lost their life during war and our JLT chair and vice chair even lay a wreath at the memorial. What a lovely show of our work in community.
We also had a super day on Tuesday when we took part in Michael Rosen Day and wrote some super poetry based on Michael Rosen's poems.
In maths we've been learning how to use mental strategies to solve different types of equations and in TfW we have begun learning our model explanation text: The Parent Pleaser Machine!
A super week, Year 6, well done!
Miss Walters x
This week we began the week with the incredible and exciting experience of interviewing a Member of Parliament live on a web-call. Chris Mason, a BBC political editor answered our questions and we learned lots about being a journalist! It was amazing.
We enjoyed cooking our own burger patties in DT this week and can't wait to create our own sauces next week. We've also been learning about how the adaptations of peppered moths is a great example of evolution, as well as how the temperature across different countries in Africa is very different to what we predicted!
Over the next few weeks, we will be having a go at another round of 'mock' SATs in which I'm looking forward to seeing all the great progress the children have already made so far this year! We've also got the cinema on Tuesday - don't forget your snacks and drink!
Miss Walters x
We've made an excellent start to our 'mock' SATs this week, which the children have all approached with much resilience and focus. All we have left is two maths papers next week and then I think we'll have had enough SATs for 2024! But I really am so proud of the children and super impressed with the progress compared to our mocks in September. Well done all!
Of course our hard work was rewarded with our trip to the cinema this week - Kung Fu Panda 4 was amazing and the children wrote some great film reviews about their experience too!
In maths this week we've continued looking at fractions and it's great to see the children proud of themselves for all the things they are learning. We also made some great burger sauces in DT (except the BBQ - yuck!) and learned all about Darwin's theory of evolution in science.
Well done on a great week!
Miss Walters x
Another fantastic week here in Year 6! We completed our mock SATs this week, made a start on adding and subtracting fractions in maths and wrote some exceptional information texts in Talk for Writing for our final 'hot write'.
We also began practise on our performances for the KS2 Carols by Candlelight (Tuesday 17th December 2pm) and the children have brought home a copy of the lyrics - any extra rehearsal at home would be greatly appreciated!
The highlight of the week was our DT lesson when we finally put all of our research and designing efforts from the last month into good use and made some DELICIOUS burgers! We had turkey, veggie and beef burgers with tzatziki or salsa on a variety of different bread types. They turned out amazing!
Looking forward to our Christmas lunch on Wednesday next week and dress down day on Thursday to raise donations for our Christmas fayre (Thursday 19th December). In the meantime, enjoy the weekend!
Miss Walters x
It almost felt like the beginning of term again this week as we started a few new topics! In Talk for Reading we finished our learning on the book Holes and are now reading and learning all about Rudyard Kipling's poem The Way Through the Woods. It's very intriguing! In Talk for Writing we've started looking at how to write a biography and are looking forward to writing our own next week.
We've continued our learning on fractions in maths this week and are mastering four key 'rules' for multiplying and diving fractions:
- To multiply a fraction by a whole number, we multiply the numerator by the whole number and keep the denominator the same.
- To multiply fractions, we can multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators.
- To divide a unit fraction by a whole number, the numerator stays the same and we multiply the denominator by the whole number.
- To divide a non-unit fraction by a whole number, divide the numerator by the whole number and keep the denominator the same.
We can't wait for a very exciting final week ahead: finishing off some excellent topics in our learning combined with lots of festive activities and events! Don't forget:
- Tuesday 17th Dec - KS2 Carols by Candlelight 2pm
- Wednesday 18th Dec - Xmas disco 4:30-5:30pm (£1 cash entry)
- Thursday 19th Dec - Xmas fair and grotto 1:30-3:30pm
- Friday 20th Dec - carols on the playground 2:30pm
See you all there!
Miss Walters x