Langland Road, Netherfield, Milton Keynes, MK6 4HA

01908 670 712

Langland Community School

Be Our Best to Achieve Our Best!

Welcome to Year 2 Excellent Elm!

Welcome to Excellent Elm's Class Blog page. Check here weekly to see what we have been up to!

Year 2 Notices

This term, PE will take place on a Tuesday. Children are to come in wearing their PE kits.

Spelling tests will take place on a Monday and will be based on the spellings that have been sent at the beginning of term. 

Spelling List for Autumn 1

Overview for Autumn 1

Pick N' Mix Homework Autumn 1

Class Blogs:

What a start to the new year!

It’s been lovely to have been teaching the Year 2’s for a full week and a half now! It has been great to watch them reunite with their friends, getting to know them, and seeing them settle back into our school, ready for the adventures of Year 2.

In Elm class this week, we have been checking in with ourselves daily by identifying our emotions using our Zones of Regulation. Over the coming weeks, we will continue to develop strategies to help regulate our emotions.

In our maths lessons, we have been reviewing what we already know about our numbers to 100. I’ve have been so impressed with how Elm class has shown their skills, using our mathematics tools to help challenge themselves.

In Talk for Writing, we have focused on writing descriptive sentences using a wide range of different adjectives, then creating sentences with 3 different adjectives to describe an object! I spotted some amazing sentences describing ‘colourful, sparkly fireworks’, ‘cute cuddly dragons’, and 'squishy, bouncy, beach balls’.

In Art, Year 2 has started to explore tone and how different pressure can create different pencil markings. We then extended our knowledge to investigate different ways we can use different shapes to show texture. I can’t wait to see how these build in our future sessions.

Lastly, in History this week, the class began their topic of ‘The Birth of MK’ by creating a class timeline of some of the key events in Milton Keynes’s history, from Bletchley Park’s role in World War Two to The

A huge well done to all the Year 2’s for their efforts this week. I can’t wait to see them all again next week for more fantastic learning!

Miss Barnett

Enter Accordion text...

What an exciting week we have had in Elm class!

This week Elm class have been working really hard at showing what responsible members of Langland Community they are.

In Talk for Writing: We had an exciting time looking for clues in our outside area because we had heard there had been a dragon nearby. We found a special golden egg and some burnt books, that are now being kept safe in the class. The class also created ‘Wanted’ posters to warn others of the dragon and to help return the dragons egg back to them. I am looking forward to seeing the writing we create from it.

In art: we have been practicing the skill of hatching, where we were using a range of straight lines to create different tones. Over the next couple of weeks we will be building this up to using it in our final creation where we will be using all of our skills. 

Special visitors: And lastly, on Friday, Year 2 got to have a look around an ambulance as part of the school wide art project in collaboration with the Blue Light Hub. They were really excited about meeting the crew and looking at the art project they would be taking part in. It will be amazing to see what it looks like when everything is done!


Have an amazing weekend!

Miss Barnett

Friday 11th October 2024

We are now on Week 6 of the first half-term and what a week it has been! Elm class have been engaged in lots of exciting activities in their learning!

Maths: We held our Be Our Best Maths event where the children were able to show off the different maths games they can play to help them with the skills in their maths learning. They were all really excited and trying to beat each other’s scores! In class, we have also been using the ReknReks to help us to add 2 single digit numbers together using our stem sentences:

If I know ____ + _____ = 10, I have ___ left over to make ____.

For example: 6 + 5.

If I know 6 + 4 = 10, I have 1 left over to make 11!

Talk For Writing: We have been continuing on with our Dragon Unit by learning the first section of our story – Kassim and the Greedy Dragon. I have included the videos of us practicing the story, and it would be great for them to use these to help them practice at home!


Art and PSHE: This week we have been focusing on what makes a safe and fair classroom, and created our class charter that shows all of the things that we want Excellent Elm to be. To make this stand out, we are creating a big class display using our designing skills to create flowers and objects that could be added! I can’t wait to see what it looks like all together.


Special Visitors: And lastly, following on from the Ambulance that visited us last week, the class were able to meet a story book illustrator that gave us an art lesson on drawing to help us in creating our designs for the Blue Light Hub project!


Keep it up Excellent Elm, and have an amazing weekend!

Miss Barnett :)

 Kassim and the Greedy Dragon Part 1.MOVDownload
 Kassim and the Greedy Dragon Part 2.MOVDownload
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