Langland Road, Netherfield, Milton Keynes, MK6 4HA

01908 670 712

Langland Community School

Be Our Best to Achieve Our Best!

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 Awesome Apple's Class Blog!

Apple Tree Planting Guide

...Bringing you weekly updates on the amazing learning going on in Year 4 this year!

Notices for Autumn One

  • PE is on a Wednesday. Children must come to school wearing their PE kits. 
  • Spelling tests are every Friday 
  • Please remember to read and practise time tables on TTRS everyday at home

What a great start to the year! The Awesome Apples have come back to school with a ready to learn attitude and they have showing this all throughout the week!
In science, we have started to explore solids, liquids and gases and the children enjoyed pretending to be a solid, liquid or a gas in our live particle models. We also explored different items and looked at their properties which make them what they are.
In maths, we have started to explore our place value topic and used counters and place value grids to represent different numbers up to 1,000. The children enjoyed showing me the representations they are comfortable with and exploring different ways to present the numbers.
Well done Year 4 on a successful start of the year! I am looking forward to seeing what we can achieve as we go on.

Miss Kempster 

This week, we have started our Viking topic in history and the children have absolutely loved learning about who they were and where they came from. We explored who the Viking Kings were and what their job role was.

We have also carried out a science experiment where the children explored what happened to chocolate, ice and a candle when heat was applied and discuss what it meant by something melting.

In Talk for Writing, the children have been exploring different settings and understanding how we can use techniques such as personification to create a different atmosphere. Our vocabulary choices are amazing!

In maths, we have focused on rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and I am so proud of the children for their resilience and concentration in this topic as we know it can be hard!

It has been a lovely first full week of learning. Well done Year 4!

Miss Kempster

This week, the whole class had their first guitar lesson in music. They played lots of games to understand rhythm and tune as well as starting to explore the strings and the sound they make. They all enjoyed the lesson and even had a chance to play the guitar, looking at the strings E, G and B. It was lovely to be part of the lesson and the children can't wait for the next one!

In Talk for Writing, the children have been exploring characters and creating poems based on the character's appearance and movement. We focused on goblins and the children used personification and similes to create some lovely descriptions. Check them out!

In PSHE, the children have been exploring what it means to be a citizen and part of a community. We discussed their rights and responsibilities and enjoyed exploring the different ways we could support each other, whether in or out of school.

Well done Awesome Apple on another awesome week!..

 We are already half-way through our first term of Year 4 and what a busy week we have had! 

The children had their second guitar lesson this week and they were focusing on re-capping the strings they learnt the week before as well as playing in time to music. It was lovely to see all the children enjoying themselves and become more confident as the weeks go on. Keep it up Year 4!

We also had European Day of Languages on Thursday where the children learnt about different European countries and tried different foods from around Europe such as ginger nut biscuits and pita bread. It was a yummy afternoon.

Year 4 have continued to write some amazing pieces of writing in their Talk for Writing lessons, especially when it came to their 'cold task' of writing a portal story. I love their use of description and I can't wait to see this develop further over the last few weeks of term.

Finally, we held our election in class for Year 4's JLT representatives. Lots of the children were brave and came to the front of the class to deliver a speech on why they would like to represent their class and work with Ms Christy. The results have been counted and the winners will be announced in Golden Book Assembly next Friday. Good luck!

Well done on another great week Year 4.

Miss Kempster x

It has been an exciting and busy week this week! 

We were lucky enough as a school to have a visit from an ambulance from the Blue Light service. The children were able to explore the inside of the ambulance as well as trying on the different parts of the uniform. It was lovely to see how excited they were and I can't wait to see the artwork they produce from our visit. 

In RE, we were exploring role models and what made a role model. The children spent the lesson thinking about who is important to them and the responses were really humbling to hear. I just hope the children let these role models know who special they are to them. 

At the start of the week, the children wrote a poem for the Harvest Festival which is coming up in a couple of weeks. We worked as a class to write an acrostic poem, exploring what happens during a Harvest Festival and why it is so important to others. 

We had our first TTRs hero this week and it was Talha. She has logged on throughout the week and her times tables skills are already starting to improve. Well done!

Miss Kempster x 

This week has been a creative week in Year 4! 

We have been creating our holiday cards ready to send out for all you parents. The children enjoyed spending the afternoon creating their creations and they are looking forward to showing you all!

On Tuesday, we had a visit again from the Blue Light Hub where the children had the opportunity to work with a published illustrator to create their ambulance drawings for the competition. It was lovely to see the children work so hard and put in the effort to create some lovely masterpieces. 

In Music, the children continued their guitar lessons with Miss Stevenson and they have grown so much in confidence. I love seeing them all take part and smile throughout!

Thank you also to all the parents who turned up for our 'Be our Best' afternoon on Friday. It was lovely to see your support and see you playing on Active Learn with them!

Have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Kempster x

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