Year 1
Welcome to Amazing Ash!
- This term PE (swimming) is on a Friday. - Please wear swimming kit to school with a towel and underwear in a bag.
- Please make sure that all jumpers and cardigans are named.
- Please make sure that all reading folders come into school every day!
Remember to read every night to your reading buddy :-)
Year 1 Curriculum Overviews
Useful Resources
Spring 1
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Autumn 1
What an amazing first few days in Year 1.
The children have learnt many new routines and have enjoyed exploring and learning in our new classroom and garden.
We have been really impressed with how curious and resilient Amazing Ash are.
They have been eager to make and sort 2D and 3D shapes, sort animals based on their characteristics including where they live and what they look like, dress up in Ash Castle and learn about King Charles III, observe insects in our Bug Hotel and so much more!
We can’t wait to watch them learn and become experts in many more things next week.
Mrs Eames and Miss Richardson
Our first full week as an Amazing Ash family.
The children have enjoyed exploring and learning all the different things throughout their provision.
We have continued to learn about the different names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes, we learnt, more in depth, about mammals and why they are categorised as so and we learnt about key events in Queen Elizabeth II's life!
The children not only showed curiosity and intrigue during the lessons, but expanded on their learning by combining what they had learnt - such as building a castle for the King using 3D shapes!
What a super week it has been :)
Mrs Eames and Miss Richardson
We can’t believe how time flies in Year 1 and how much learning we have done this week!
The children have continued exploring and learning all the different things throughout their provision and with the sun shining have been outside as much as we can.
We have started our number learning journey, practising our counting , recognising and creating numbers. The children have been finding natural treasures in our school environment and using them to write descriptive sentences with adjectives and alliteration.
The children have enjoyed learning about the characteristics of birds this week and creating their own nests in the KS1 garden.
Another super week in Year 1!
Mrs Eames and Miss Richardson
In only a short week, we still had lots of different learning this week...
- using peg boards to make shapes and patterns in maths;
- using simple movement patterns to create a dance;
- using different lines, patterns and textures to create some amazing artwork.
The children enjoyed their surprise visit on Friday from the Ambulance Service - exploring the vehicle, trying on the uniform and talking to the paramedics. We look forward to competing some artwork based on this visit next week for the Blue Light Hub at Ashland.
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This week we have been learning about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We investigated different samples of 'poo' to see which animal they belonged to. We decided what type of animal it was depending what it contained.
Autumn 2
This week we have been learning all about Remembrance Day. We learnt what the day means and why it is very important. We wrote poems about poppies and used a variety of materials to make poppies. We will share them during our Remembrance Day Assembly on Monday 11th November at 11am.
In science we are learning about the human body. We had an exciting visit from Doctor Asha and her colleague who taught us all about keeping our bodies healthy and what doctors may do if we are feeling unwell.
What a busy week in Year 1...
In science we have been learning about our senses - describing how things smell and feel.
In computing, we learnt how to use a mouse and trackpad to select and drag items.
In DT, we have been learning to chop, peel and grate vegetables.
Following the flurry of snow on Tuesday, we had fun exploring the snow with our senses and then wrote some amazing snow poems.
We enjoyed our weekly visit to the library and sharing books with our friends.
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